Welcome to my new home for my Blog! Woot woot. I finally took the leap after reading blog after blog after blog after blog……..well you get the idea….to move my blog to WordPress, with a more user friendly, and hopefully more attractive look.
As you probably guessed from my blog title, I am a runner. I’ve been a runner since my teens and I am now approaching my mid fifties. I feel quite blessed I can still run. This is me running in Maine……our latest Destination combined with seeing sites in Boston.

So yes I’ll share more about my runs, but I’m also a foodie; so occasionally you’ll find me sharing yummy recipes. Hope you check back in frequently. 🙂

I also briefly mentioned, I met my soul mate and we were married in 2009. I’ve been single much longer than I have been married……and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Rob and I have so much fun together, especially when we explore new places. The best part since meeting Rob is that I now get to combine my running with travel. Since we’ve been married, we’ve traveled to China to run the Great Wall Marathon, Rome for the Rome Marathon, New York, Maine, South Dakota, and I can’t wait to share more. I am probably the more serious runner, and the lucky one because Rob does an excellent job chasing me along the course to make sure I have everything I need for 26.2 miles. 🙂 He’s a trooper!
We recently ventured off to Boston to explore the city. Rob loves the history there and well……..I love the food! It was also a real treat to visit the city not during the Marathon. Although I had a blast, and its probably a favorite race of mine……..and most runners, it’s very crowded. So this trip was much more relaxing than my last. We found this very authentic coffee bar that is as close to an Italian coffee place as you can get. So yummy! We’re headed back to Rome next March so this was definitely a teaser. Hope I have made your mouth water a bit. 🙂

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