Yeah! It is garlic scape season. They are so delicious and edible but unfortunately only around for a short time. This is my second batch of pesto with this curly looking veggie but this time I decided to use basil and my sprouted almonds verses kale and pumpkin seeds you may have read about in my previous post. Just as delicious!

I roasted an entire spaghetti squash for about an hour and than loosened the strands them with a fork…….it’s quite simple and makes for mush less work than if you would try and cut your squash before roasting. It’s actually how I roast all my winter squash.

In a big bowl, I tossed my spaghetti strands with the pesto and a bit more olive oil. To complete the meal, I seared some Wild Scallops seasoned with Salt and Pepper. OMG…….Divine!

If you need more ideas of how to use these yummy scapes, check out this Pin I put on my Pinterest board titled i cook lots. Please let me know your favorite way to eat Garlic Scapes and always Remember to Eat with Love?
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