Sweet Potatoes are NOT yams! Although I love both, I only find sweet potatoes locally at our farmer’s markets since Yams are not grown around here and originated in Africa. Luckily you can usually find all varieties at your local farmers markets. I also find that they taste a tad more sweet and seem more moist than those purchased in the grocery stores. During the off season, I have to admit, I tend to purchase the garnet yams, mostly because of their richer color and I just like them better. What is your favorite type of sweet potato? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Although sweet potatoes are tough to grow, I am so happy that our trusty farmers have figured out how to control their environment and trap the sun’s heat using hoop houses to produce vibrant and tasty crops. I love how they can be enjoyed savory or sweet! Simply delicious either way! I can’t wait to whip up a batch of sweet potato cookies….stay tuned!

Most runners love the benefit and (taste) of sweet potatoes because they are known as one of those super vegetables loaded with antioxidants, vitamin A and K, and more than twice the amount of vitamin C of white potatoes.
Towards the end of my training, these vitamins become even more crucial because many runners have a tendency to come down with a cold or other virus when they decrease their milage during their taper. Not sure why that is…some say it’s a sign of over training, or not getting enough rest, or possibly the extra stress of up the upcoming race? Whatever the reason, I try to stay on top of it be watching my nutrition and taking extra Vitamin C. I keep these chewable C’s in my purse, by my bed side, and on my desk.

One of my husband’s favorite way to eat these gems is this way: Sweet Potato Fries. I happen to be partial to my Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Mash! However, I believe I have discovered a new favorite treat to eat after a long run. OMG! These are so yummy and once again I thank my friend Ellie at Simply Nourished for this amazing recipe. They are so easy to prepare and taste unbelievably Nourishing. NO surprise there! There is not one single recipe from her I haven’t loved!
SWEET POTATO PANCAKES (adapted from Ellie from Simply Nourished)
- 4 cups of shredded sweet potato (about 4 small or 3 medium potatoes)
- 3 free range eggs whisked
- 2 tablespoons of coconut flour
- 1 tsp of Herbamare OR Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
- 1 tsp of curry power or other seasoning of choice
- 1/4 tsp of garlic powder
- Combine all ingredients
- Heat skillet over medium heat. Add enough coconut ghee or oil of choice to coat bottom of skillet.
- When the skillet is hot, use a big spoon to add mixture to skillet in pancake size portions.
- The TRICK IS, ACCORDING TO ELLIE: After you spoon them in and pat them in to their shape, DON’T TOUCH THEM AGAIN for 3 minutes.
- Flip them after those 3 minutes are up, making sure that there is oil under the seond side.
- Add more oil as needed to keep the pan coated. Again DON’T DISTURB THEM while they cook on the second side
- After they have cooked for 3 minutes on each side, place them on a cooling rack so that the air can circulate around them.
- Make the test of the pancakes the same way.
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