Who else ran in a Halloween themed race this past weekend? Saturday morning my hubby and I joined some friends for a fun 5K in South Minneapolis. Lucky for us, the rain held off and we all finished without getting wet.

I wanted to practice running via Heart Rate so I ran this 5K very similar to the one back in August. Because I was still recovering from Chicago, and have run only easy runs except for a few accelerations, I modified my heart for each mile slightly, therefore running it a bit slower. Plus I was still battling a slight cold, so dialing it back a bit seemed like the right thing to do.
So my first mile, I kept my heart rate at 150. I wanted to go faster, and it seemed slow, but I really wanted to stick to my plan of 150 heart rate the first mile, 160 heart rate the second mile, and finally, my last mile, I just ran. The second graph is from my previous 5K running it with a beginning heart rate of 160, and increasing after each mile or so.

150 – 160 – 170 or above

Saturday my goal was to get faster in each mile and stick to the plan, and I did. Overall I was pleased how I executed the race and I’ll probably run my next 5K somewhere in between these two? Or start at 160 since I will be fully recovered from both my cold and Chicago.
To be honest, I was pleased I stuck to my HRT plan and executed this race exactly how I had planned even though I wanted to run faster. Unfortunately my marathon didn’t quite go as planned. There are so many variables that need to line up in a marathon and none of them did that day, espeically how I executed my heart rate. I am excited to see what happens in my next one. What excites me the most is I am enjoying practicing HRT, I love to run, and I am not injured, and therefore, BLESSED!

Enough about me…guess who else ran. It was a blast to see these guys come through the finish line, but I was espeically shocked to see my hubby. His original plan was to walk. When I spotted Sarah and William and grabbed her stroller, I realized it was Rob who said “take the stroller and I can grab pics of them crossing the finish”. I am thinking ….what the hell? Rob ran? You see, he hasn’t run in over a year.
My fist words, “Did you run? Are you OK? You idiot! You’re not going to be laid up all week are you?” He said he was fine and than he said, “I can’t believe how much I missed running!” I said, “Ok that’s great” and than I gave him a kiss. Proud of this guy!

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