Here I am at my desk, sipping on my morning Bullet Proof Coffee from my new mug that I earned after the Securian Winter Run. As I look at this new favorite mug, I realize I have not blogged about a race recently. Heck, I have been a bit more quiet than usual lately, but my house is upside-down in the middle of a re-model, my mom has been under the weather for a couple weeks, and I am super busy with my work.

Since I love my job, and the busier I am, the more fun I have, I am ok with the busy at work part, but this re-model thing. “UGH”! Last time I was without a kitchen, we grilled a lot and I pulled out my crockpot. Since it’s been windy and cold here in Minnesota, and my husband has been working long hours, we’ve been grabbing salads from our favorite restaurant, Zella’s a bit more often. Not complaining, but I’ll be glad to have my kitchen back.

And there is no one I love more, besides Jesus, than my mom. Trust me, I have been praying to Jesus every morning when I get up, and every night when I go to bed, that she feels better. She is 82 years old, healthy, not on any prescription meds, so this being sick stuff is just as difficult for her as it is me. I really hate seeing her so miserable and helpless.

The good news, she finally agreed to go to the doctor and thankfully it’s not pneumonia, or influenza, or anything else real serious. She just has a bad sinus infection which is making her nauseous. Uncomfortable but it could be worse!
So back to my 10K. I actually debated about not even going since my mom was planning on riding along so we could do brunch with relatives after. She called that morning before I left and she sounded awful so I thought maybe it’s best I stay back. She insisted….so my mom!
I barely made it to the start line on time. I hadn’t raced a 10K since last year, and to be honest, I wasn’t mentally all there. It was windy, cold, and I was worried about my mom.
My plan was to run via my heart rate and not worry about my pace. I wasn’t too concerned about my time so my friend and I ran, and we finished. It seemed a bit harder than my last 10K and my 10K that turned into a 7 miler, but hey, running anything faster than easy pace, is suppose to be hard right! It’s also interesting to notice how wind and cold affect your heart rate, and breathing. It wasn’t until later that evening I discovered I finished 2nd in my age group out of 29 women. I may not have had my best run, but I certainly need to learn how to celebrate small victories. I crossed two lines, I finished another race. Yeah Karen.

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