Delicious Sweet Potato Veggie Smoothie





What can I say!  I’ll never doubt an idea again until I try it.  I have tried cauliflower many different ways, but up until last week, never in a smoothie.  As I mentioned in this post, I finally did and trust me, I am not sure why I waited so long!  

All I can say about this smoothie is that it’s the BEST smoothie I have ever had! And guess what, it just so happens to be packed with veggies, including cauliflower! My husband said, “Wow, this tastes like a pumpkin pie!”  Me, “You’re close, sweet potato pie!”

A smoothie with no banana? I love a banana in a smoothie.  Even better than an avocado in a smoothie, and I love eating an avocado, but really despise eating a banana.  I know…kind of weird, but I am kind of weird.

This smoothie is fruitless, creamy, and tastes like the most wonderful smoothie in this world! I could seriously have this a couple times a day!

Who knew cauliflower in a smoothie combined with other veggies could taste SO GOOD!  Definitely not me.  SO my advice to you, don’t knock it till you try it!  Cauliflower – I am 100% in love & addicted to this thing!

My husband said,“it’s so thick, I think I”ll need a spoon.” Yes that’s right. THICK CREEEMAAAY DELICIOUS! It’s almost like eating pumpkin pie ice cream, but it’s all veggies, no dairy or refined sugar!  Dip in your spoon and go at it… for breakfast, lunch, or even dinner.  I promise, it’s good anytime of the day or night.

Let me warn you right now, you may want to freeze some extra steamed cauliflower, zucchini, and sweet potatoes because once you try this, you’ll want to make it every day. I am not kidding! This one never gets old. I’ve had it almost every day for a week since I discovered this combo and it’s still hands down my favorite.  I do hope you love it too!

As you know, all my mornings start out with a morning elixer, devotion time in front of the fire place (in the winter, which is the only thing I love about winter right now!), and than a run followed by some strength training.  AND THAN coffee and a SMOOTHIE!  Best part of the day since by now I AM SOOOO HANGRY!  And the coolest thing, my Vita-Mix does all the work.  All I do is wait until all these yummy veggies and other super food ingredients turn into the best and healthiest breakfast on the planet!

Remember to:

  • Steam your veggies and than freeze – easier digestion and better taste
  • Use a high powered blender
  • And of course, add leafy greens if desired for added fiber and health benefits
  • ENJOY!



  • 1 cup sweet potato or yam cubes steamed, then frozen
  • 1/2 cup cauliflower heads steamed, then frozen
  • 1/2 cup zucchini cubes steamed, then frozen
  • 2 scoops or one scoop of each (what I did) of Shaklee Life Protein – Vanilla, & Or  Grass Fed Whey 
  • 2 tablespoons of nut butter – I used almond butter
  • 1 date pitted or 1 tablespoon of maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice
  • sprinkle of pink Himalayan sea salt
  • 1 1/4 cup almond milk (you can add more water if too thick)
  • Sprinkle with Grain Free Granola if desired – buy why not go for it!


  1. Make sure you have prepped your steamed then frozen vegetables. I steamed regular sweet potatoes, purple yams, and garnet yams. I bet squash would work too or fresh eating pumpkin. I just cut them into 1-2″ chunks, steamed for 8-10 minutes until soft, but not mushy. Allow to cool in a strainer before freezing- freeze vegetables in a baggies. It works best to lay them flat in the freezer. 
  2. Blend all ingredients in a high powered blender for a minute or so until creamy. You can add more or less liquid, depending on how thick you like it. Serve as is or top with grain-free granola or more nut butter. 
    [reminder]Tell me…what’s your favorite combination of a all veggie smoothie? How often do you have a smoothie…for me it’s almost daily! [/reminder] 

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2 responses to “Delicious Sweet Potato Veggie Smoothie”
  1. Bobbi R Cravens Avatar
    Bobbi R Cravens

    Hi Karen! Your recipe does sound yummy. I was just wondering if you think it would work using zucchini that is raw, rather than steamed?

    1. Karen Avatar

      You could definitley try. I’d suggest freezing it either way. What I have discovered, raw cauliflower in a smoothie is kind of gross tasting:-) However, zucchini may work raw? Let me know how it turns out. THANKS Bobbi! I had this again yesterday with a half a date instead of the maple syrup and liked it even better. I am sure a drop or two of monk fruit or stevia might work too. I personally like the Carmel taste of a date:-) Have a GREAT DAY!

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