Guest Post – Lead a Healthy Lifestyle by Running



A couple months back Mr. Josh Wardini and I started communicating about our mutual interests in running and writing about it. We both agreed it would be fun to do a blog post together.  This post is written by data from

“Please remember the opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the views of avocadorunners or yours, but the inographic at the end of this post is quite impressive.  Enjoy and Thank YOU!”


Millions of people run on a daily basis thus making running probably the most commonly used exercise in the world. People from different ages put on their Adidas running shoes every day and go for a run in order to lead a healthy lifestyle and stay fit.

Runners can have different goals and that depends on the kind of running they do, recreational or professional. Whether they engage in jogging, sprinting, running in marathons or cross-country running, people acquire many benefits from this activity.

In order to get the maximum out of running, it should be combined with a proper diet and a good night’s sleep. If done on a regular basis, running helps in strengthening muscles and bones, maintain an ideal weight, reducing the risk cardiovascular diseases and cancers, etc.

For instance, people who run at least 25 km per week can reduce the death risk of Alzheimer’s by 40%, and people who run more than 80 km per week have greater increases in HDL cholesterol (sometimes referred to as the good cholesterol).

A very effective way in leading a healthy life is taking lessons from and training with people who do sporting activities on a professional basis. Let’s take Target life as an example. People can enlist in one-on-one, two-on-one, or small group personal training, use nutrition programs, be in group fitness classes, attend nutrition and exercise seminars, go on shopping tours.

If you are eager to find out interesting facts and figures about the most famous sports activity, just scroll down and take a look at the infographic.

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One response to “Guest Post – Lead a Healthy Lifestyle by Running”
  1. Infinite Recovery Avatar

    Nicely written and great info….Thanks

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