Spaghetti & Meat Sauce – Minus the Spaghetti & Meat Sauce



HaHa…how’s that for a title.  I thought it was quite clever.  Do you have the book FOOD PHARMACY, A Guide to Gut Bacteria, Anti-Inflammatory Foods, and Eating for Health? If not, I highly recommend.

Why?  Becuase not only does it contain lots of delicious recipes like the one I am going to share here, there are numerous health tips too. It’s actually “a prescription diet you will never overdose on.”  

“I think we can all agree that the food we eat does effect how we feel, right”?  In this book they share the fundamental connection between intestinal flora, inflammation, and our health. If we adopt healthy habits like the ones listed below, I bet we’ll get healthier. Below is a partial list of the Intestinal Flora Commandments per Food Pharmacy. “Do any of this sound familiar?”

I do my best and eat 80/20l.  After all, it’s utterly impossible to be perfect in the real world. It’s totally normal that we are more relaxed on a vacation and the sound of a cork being pulled out of a bottle of wine will get your taste buds rolling. It’s ok!  We’re human! “Did you know when we get anxious about eating a piece of cake or having a glass of wine, that also causes inflammation?”  

My goal is to tune into my body. No one knows yourself better than you. Treat your body like the temple it was designed to be! Give your body plenty of nourishment each day and most likely it will weather any storm. If we mess up one day, don’t worry, be happy.

Recently I made this delicious, plant based spaghetti sauce and my husband actually didn’t miss the meat. It’s no secret, he enjoys meat much for so than I do, but he’s also smart and realizes more veggies and plant based meals would also benefit him…and most likely you.

By the way, if you have whiny kids (or husband) use a bean pasta or other gluten free noodle.  I happen to love “zoodles”, my husband….NOPE!  Keep it real my friends!  It’s ok not to be perfect.  Nobody is and give yourself grace.  Remember, anxiety isn’t good for us either!



  • 3/5 cup of 150ml Beluga Lentils 
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetarian stock powder
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 yellow onion, peeled and sliced
  • 4/5 cup or 200 ml of water
  • 1 lb or 500 grams crushed tomatoes
  • 2 handfuls of baby spinach
  • 1 carrot, peeled and grated
  • Pink Himalayan sea salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 2 zucchini spiralized or gluten free bean pasta


  1. Bring the lentils, stock powder, garlic, and onion to a boil in water.
  2. Add the crushed tomatoes when the water has been absorbed.
  3. Mix everything with the spinach and grated carrot.
  4. Salt and pepper to taste
  5. Serve over “zoodles” or gluten free pasta
  6. Top with Parmesan or Nutritional Yeast and fresh herbs if desired

[reminder]How often do you eat plant based? [/reminder]


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