Chocolate Peanut Coconut Rice Cakes #2




Who made my Date, Honey, & Pecan Rice Cakes? I loved them so much I decided to try another version!  

Are you a chocolate lover? How about dark chocolate and sea salt? Drum roll please…..Chocolate Peanut Coconut & Molasses Rice Cakes!  THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the drum roll. These little portable snacks definitley deserve a special intro.

If you love protein bars or snacks dipped in chocolate, I have a feeling you’re going to love these!  Did you know that white rice after it’s cooked and than cooled is a resistant starch? So my advice, don’t be afraid of white rice!

These will definitley satisfy your cravings for peanuts and chocolate and best of all, they won’t end up a gooey mess if it’s hot out or your traveling.

As I mentioned in my this post, these are easy to whip up and more importantly, are healthier than your average store bought rice cake.  If you’re allergic to peanuts, try using hazelnuts or walnuts. I can’t wait to hear what you think of them.

CHOCOLATE PEANUT COCONUT RICE CAKES #2 (adapted from Simply Nourished)


  • 2 cups uncooked Calrose rice or other medium-grain “sticky rice”
  • 3 cups water
  • 1 cup crispy peanuts
  • 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut sugar
  • 1 tablespoon Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
  • 1/2 cup Chocolate chips
  • 2 tablespoons organic molasses


  1. Combine rice and water in your rice cooker, instant pot, or on stove.
  2. Toast your nuts at 350 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes if they are not all ready crispy.
  3. In a food processor or large bowl combine all your ingredients into your food processor except chocolate chips  Pulse into a thick crumbly paste. Add in a little molasses if it seems to dry. I love the flavor of Molasses but feel free to use honey.
  4. Add chocolate chips and pulse until chocolate melts a bit and is incorporated.
  5. Press into a 8 or 9 inch square pan about 1 1/2 inch thick and top with more chocolate chips and peanuts if desired.
  6. Wrap individually for a more portable snack.  Makes about 10 rice cakes

[reminder]Are you a Chocolate Fan? How about Chocolate and Sea Salt?[/reminder]

[reminder]I’d love to hear about your favorite post run snack!  Or anytime snack![/reminder]

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