Are you a fan of New Year’s Resolutions? I have never been a fan of them which is probably why I had so much fun with this new way of thinking called “ROMJUL”.

“So what if we are looking at it wrong? What if you don’t need to change anything? WHAT IF YOU NEVER DID and that’s why your resolutions don’t stick? What if all we need to change is your perspective?” Coach MK
Romjul is the Norwegian name for the week between Boxing Day and New Year, according to Pinterest. The idea is to for-go New Year’s Resolutions and in stead, look back on this past year and think of things we did RIGHT and want to carry over into 2019.
Listed below are my 7 Roars or my 7 things I did GREAT that I want to do more of in 2109. It’s certainly a fun way to begin the New Year.

If you followed me on my FB page or Instagram you saw me go a bit deeper into each of these Roars. I truly felt alive and proud as I thought about each one of these. I encourage you to go back and read my ROARS if you want. They may inspire you…at least I hope so?.
Are You a Fan of New Year’s Resolutions?
Have You Heard of RomJuLRoar?
What’s your Number ONE ROAR from 2018 you’d like to do MOAR of in 2019?
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