ChocoholicFrolic 10K, Race Pace is Hard, 4th in Age Group



This was fun…but as always, race pace is hard no matter the distance! Agree or disagree? 5K, 10K, 10 miler, Half Marathon, Full, Ultras….What is your favorite distance to race?

To be perfectly honest, I was apprehensive about how race pace would feel since I have ran only easy pace runs since my marathon less then a month ago. Occasionally I may have thrown in a few strides mid run or at the end of my easy run, but nothing to crazy fast or long while I recovered from my traveling and running in Scotland?

In fact, running a race was the furthest thing from my mind but when my husband mentioned a family breakfast happening the same day as this fun race that included chocolate at the finish line, I couldn’t resist.

The chocolate and other treats at the finish were AMAZING!

It was a chilly and breezy morning and parking was quite full by the time we arrived so we had to walk a good distance to packet pick-up. My husband and I were quite relieved to keep warm until the start of the race in the Harriet Island Pavilion. It was a chilly morning!

When it was time to head out to the start line, Rob kept me warm as he wrapped his coat around me until just a few minutes before the start. What a guy. He snapped a quick photo before he headed back into the building to get warm again.

It was a chilly and windy start but over all a great day for a run!

This was the first time I ran this race but I don’t think it will be my last. The course is pretty, the race is well organized, and there is chocolate at the finish! Plus the best part, after freezing in windy and wet conditions for two hours at the start of the Lochness Marathon, it was so nice to keep warm until race time.

Hi Rob…he found me at mile 5

Rob went for a brisk walk as I was out having some fun on the course. Once he saw the top male approaching him from behind he took the short cut to mile 5 to snap a photo and give me a big high five!

Just .2 tenths of a mile to go! WOOT WOOT! I am on target to break 52 minutes! YEAH!

It was fun to see him both at mile 5 and then again close to the finish. I felt really strong and to my surprise, ran a very consistent race with even splits. Race pace is hard no matter the distance, don’t you agree?! I am not sure which is worse, a 5K/10K or running 26.2. Personally I prefer 26.2 since it is more like a long slow run…or in some cases a jog depending how the day goes.

Rob was super proud of me and to be perfectly honest, I surprised myself. Today was definitley a good day and to hear him say…..“great run Sweetie!” made me smile even more.

It didn’t see my official results till the next day and when I did I was even more pleased! It was so fun to see I finished 4th out of 34 runners in my age group, but guess what, I also ran a Personal Best. Not a 10K Personal Record but a Personal Best in my age group (55-59) which I am more than happy about. I didn’t go into this race for any goal in mind other than to have fun and enjoy all the chocolate…and trust me I did.

Check out how accurate my recent EAT was at predicting my 10K pace (B-pace 8:15)

The older I get the more I realize it’s not about the time on the clock since every time I line up to run a race, I am thankful I am healthy enough to be there no matter the finish time. To be perfectly honest, my previous 10K’s were fun too, but when you beat your previous time by almost 2 minutes (55-59 age category) , it’s even more reason to celebrate. (Best time 50-54 49:03)

I love a good post race brunch! Not pictured, a delicious wild blueberry scone!

Post Race Brunch was AMAZING!

Unfortunately most, if not all the variables I faced when I lined up to the start line at the Lochness Marathon, didn’t go my way. But I put in the work. I was healthy enough to run the distance. It wasn’t the day day I was hoping for but I will never give up.

I will continue to learn and grow as I maintain my fitness using Coach MK’s Maintain and Marathon Programs. I adore my friend Sarah as she continues to keep me on my toes with her amazing classes as well. I love my yoga peeps and hoping this also helps keep me stay healthy as an aging runner!

In summary, I will keep showing up just like Des! One never knows what kind of day you’ll have but I do know one thing, the time on the clock does not define me, espeically when things don’t exactly go as planned. I plan on celebrating every finish since it means I am healthy enough to run and incredibly BLESSED!

What is your favorite race distance?

Do you love chocolate as much as I do?

Did you watch the New York City Marathon?

Are you currently enrolled in a yoga or strength class or do you have a coach? I’m thankful for all of THIS!

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