In my last post I mentioned two of my favorite Thanksgiving Dishes, Roasted Brussels and my Sourdough Stuffing. Most likely you have enough recipes for both so instead of boring you with my version, how about we talk about my Roasted Butternut Squash recipe.

It’s super easy and the best part, can be prepped in advance which is convenient before any dinner party, but when it’s Thanksgiving, almost non negotiable, especially when you are serving 20 plus family members.

I still can’t believe we managed to get some dang good family photos in less than 30 minutes.

All the little kiddos did fantastic! Such fun!

We all got to meet Crosby for the first time and she definitley made the rounds and got hugs from all of us!

After photos my sister-in-law from Chicago brought out her veggie turkey…So adorable!

And her anti-pasta presentation lovely, don’t you agree!!

We decided to do the turkey in the oven this year since my lovely nieces wanted bird stuffing. I definitley sensed Martha’s Stewarts presence as I continued to baste my special organic turkey with her wine and butter combo?. If you haven’t tried her Turkey 101 recipe, I highly recommend. As good as Rob’s Green Egg version!
I did modify the stuffing slightly and I promise to share at some point but for now, lets chat squash. I have shared my tip for cutting up a hard winter squash before here, but personally believe it’s worth repeating! Put the entire squash in the over for about 25 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove. Let it cool. Once it cooled enough to handle, you will be able to easily peel and dice your squash without cutting yourself.

The rest is easy peasy. Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt and pepper, and about 3 tablespoons of minced fresh sage. Toss and roast on parchment lined baking sheets. I roast at about 400 degrees for about another 40 minutes or until squash starts to brown.

I also love how the sage crisps up. If you have left overs, you can easily turn them into a butternut squash pasta sauce, or a soup, or combine with a runny egg.
It was a Blessed Thanksgiving and I have SO many things to feel grateful for. Yes I to have a few things in life that bring me down once in a while, but I do my best to focus on the good verses the bad.
Lately, I have trying my best to journal three things that I am most grateful for that day. I haven’t been perfect but it does remind me daily of all the positive things I have in my life. Here are my TOP THREE….
- My family. I love them all…My husband, my mom, siblings, sisters- and brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, Sky (my brother’s dog) and Jesus my Savior.
- My health. I feel incredibly blessed to do the thing I love to do on a daily basis….RUN!
- My friends. I treasure them all…both near and far.
There are many also so many other things throughout the year that make me grateful – espeically travel! But have you ever thought about the small daily things in your life that bring you joy? Here is an entry I made in my gratitude journal a couple weeks ago…

Journaling has been helpful at reminding me how thankful I am on a daily basis, especially on days when I need a pick me up….For example I am so thankful for my hot cup of bullet proof morning coffee after my run, my Shaklee Protein Recovery Shake, my job I get to do every day that I love, discovering a delicious new recipe, shopping with friends every Saturday after boot camp, hot tea, new shoes, running etc…
In any case, I do hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving.
What are you most grateful for?
Did you host Thanksgiving?
Do you journal on a daily basis?
Are you traveling for Christmas?
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