While Easter looked very different for us all this year, I pray if you did celebrate Easter or the Passover, I hope it was a pleasant day spent with your loved ones in your home.

We had a wonderful day and thanks to technology, we had a live facebook church service, and did some web-chats with family. I’d love to hear how you spent your Easter!

We woke up to a blanket of snow and very windy blustery conditions. Because the ground is so warm, the snow melted almost as fast as it came down, but believe it or not, it snowed most of the day. I have to admit, my morning run was mentally challenging, especially when the wind and snow were in my face. However, seeing this sign along my route definitely made me smile.

My first thought was this snow is only temporary since it is almost Mid-April, but God’s love is Eternal. We are Blessed! Remember everyone, God is in Control and we will beat this virus. Stay positive! Keep Smiling and Shine your Light to those around you. They need you. We need each other. We are all in this together!
Our church staff is working hard to keep us united. It was definitely an Easter Service I will always remember. Horns honking each time Paster would say “Do Not Be Afraid”. “He is Risen”. Our message was so good and a good reminder that God is not liking this Virus anymore than we are. God will take care of us and he will win as always.

So like most everyone else, I am thankful for technology, to not only attend church on Easter, but to also connect with loved ones from a far.
I actually had two celebrations this this weekend. It was just a year ago on Easter Sunday that my dear friend Lisa went too Heaven to spend Resurrection Sunday with Jesus. As sad as this day was, and still is in many ways since I miss her so much, I am very thankful I had her in my life and for all our memories.

It was her Birthday Saturday and in honor of her special day I had made the most delicious sourdough cinnamon rolls. I know Lisa was probably laughing in heaven since she knows I am not much of a baker. I think she would be so proud of me for tying something new❤️. I even wore something other than running or yoga tights, I did my hair, & I put make up on.

I was actually quite pleased how they tasted plus my husband loved them…and so did her kids. My first batch of cinnamon rolls a couple weeks ago were more like hockey pucks so it’s a good reminder to never give up.

If you have a sourdough starter, do make these and please tag me and let me know how you and your family members like them.
Here are a couple tips …..
- Start the night (or up to 24 hours) before you want to bake these sourdough cinnamon rolls, so the dough has a chance to ferment and create more flavor.
- If the dough seems too stiff, it could be because the house is cooler and the coconut oil has solidified. My dough was fine but you can place the dough in the oven with your oven light on. I sometimes do this and it does make the dough more pliable.
- Your hands are the best tools you have. Don’t be afraid to use them.
- Use string or unflavored dental floss or a sharp knife to cut the cinnamon rolls.

- 1/2 cup fed sourdough starter
- 1/2 cup water
- 4 cups flour – I used hard red wheat.
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 cup softened butter
- 3/4 cup organic coconut sugar
- 2 Tbs cinnamon
- 1/2 cup organic heavy whipping cream
*Fed sourdough starter is a sourdough starter that has been given equal parts water and flour, mixed, and allowed to sit at room temperature at least 4-12 hours.
- In a bowl, combine fed sourdough starter, flour, honey, water and melted coconut oil. Mix together and then form into a ball.
- Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover the dough with damp tea towel.
- Allow to rest in warm place overnight or up to 24 hours.
- Add eggs, baking soda, baking powder and salt to the bowl, and combine well with your hands.
- Cover it with a tea towel and put it in a warm place for about an hour.
- In a bowl, combine melted butter, organic sugar, and cinnamon. Stir.
- Lightly dust the counter with flour, and roll out the dough to about 1/4 inch thickness.
- Add butter and cinnamon-sugar filling to the dough and spread evenly.
- Roll the dough up as tightly as you can. When you get to the end, pull it up as tightly as you can and pinch the ends into the main roll
- Slice to make 12 total sourdough cinnamon rolls.
- Place the rolls into a well-seasoned 14″ cast iron skillet.
- Cover them with about 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream. Allow this to soak in and rise in a warm spot for about 1/2 hour to an hour.
- Bake them in a 375 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes. Allow them to cool a bit.
How did you celebrate Easter?
Did you zoom or face time with family and friends?
Did you dress up for Easter Service even though it was online?
Hope you are all doing well! Stay Safe!
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