When I saw Anderson Race Management announce their first ever Virtual Race Event, I could not have been more supportive. In this post I mentioned my new role as an Ambassador for them, and just like all other race organizations, they are also offering virtual races.

I love that their first race Virtual race and also mine for that matter, has everything to do with Celebrating Earth Day?. In fact, I am on Day #3 of an an Earth Day Challenge my company is sponsoring. Each day they introduce a new challenge. So far it’s been lots of fun and I am learning a lot along the way!

The best part, Shaklee will plant a tree for each challenge you complete and share with your friends. How cool is that!
So you can see why I was excited to run this race. A huge thank you to Anderson Race Management for putting on this event! Proceeds obviously go to a great cause! There is still time to sign up if you’re interested!

For those of you who are interested in my recap…you’re welcome to read on and for those of you who are not, interested, I won’t take it personally. However, it’s the very first race I have ever won and I was actually late to the start line?.
And guess what else happened…it’s one and only time there was absolutely no line at the bathroom. Oh wait, no bathroom, just a tree?. I purposely drove to the start of my race giving myself ample time to get to the “start on time”. However, I was still late??♀️. Obviously I my pre-race warm up was too long. Luckily there was a second wave and I was able to get off without any more glitches.

Since I ran along a the Luce Line Trail, I didn’t have much trouble with traffic, nor did I see any familiar faces along the course, except my faithful bird chirpers?. I was thankful to have them cheering for me. Yeah I would have enjoyed more spectators other than the geese, ducks, and birds but then again, I am used to running solo…just not racing solo.

Since I chose to run this race via power using my Stryd my husband bought me for Christmas, I had no idea what pace I was running. My only goal was to keep my power value as close to 170 as possible.
To be perfectly honest, I’d say my pacing strategy went as best as could be expected since I didn’t really taper or rest up for this 10K. Normally I decrease both my strength work and my miles, but this was definitley not the case for this race.

And seriously, who puts a small hill near the end of any race? Oh wait a minute, I guess that was me! At least I had no traffic signals?that stopped me dead in my tracks or police mad at me for running to close to someone.
But back to that nasty hill at the end of my run. At least it was close to the finish and luckily the momentum I had down the hill carried me right back up the hill. Just 25 more yards and I crossed the finish line. I ended up crossing the finish line with a smile on my face. Since there was not photographer capturing my smile, you’ll have to take my word for it.

I was the first female to cross, the first in my age group, and as a matter of fact, I was first over all…mostly because I was the only person who chose to run this course at this exact same time. Lucky me huh! But overall I am pleased with my time considering I had no one to chase.

So in summary, virtual races does have it’s perks:
- You pick your start time
- You pick your race day and conditions
- No bathroom lines
- A Flat course with maybe one small hill or two
- No crowds
- You’re guaranteed first place?
- Cool Swag coming & a medal
My only complaint, I missed out on going to a favorite coffee shop after my race to enjoy a well earned brunch with a delicious pastry and a damn good cup of coffee.

We all know I didn’t go to any local cafe, but luckily I had warm pastry waiting for me when I got home thanks to my quarantine baking habit. After my 10K I shuffled along for another 6.2 miles, enjoyed a few stretches, and then I hopped in my car for less than a 5 minute drive home.

I was super excited to taste my Sourdough Muffin Loaf. It’s actually made with my sourdough discard and lots of other good for you ingredients. Nuts, dried fruit, wheat flour, grated carrots and apples, lots of warming spices, a little maple syrup for a hint of sweetness, and a handful of Lily’s chocolate chips. It was a great morning!

However, I am really hoping we all can be back racing with our running friends again soon. Who am I kidding, I will settle for just running with my friends. After all, it’s never really about the race.
So are you ready to make some coffee and enjoy a slice of Sourdough Muffin Loaf? This does remind me of my favorite Morning Glory Muffin I used to order at a local truck stop decades ago when I met my parents after church for breakfast. My mom and I would often order this muffin and split it because it was so large and filling. If you love Morning Glory Muffins, I know you’ll love this! Plus it’s healthier and better for you. ENJOY.
(adapted via BakerHands)
- 3 eggs
- 120 grams coconut oil or coconut ghee
- 115 grams starter, discard
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 75 grams fresh orange juice
- 150 grams organic all purpose flour
- 168 grams organic whole wheat flour
- 120 grams coconut sugar
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 2 teaspoons cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 107 grams crispy walnuts
- 80 grams dried fruit of your choice or chocolate chips or combo
- 40 grams flax seeds
- 20 grams wheat germ or oat bran
- 1 organic carrot grated
- 1 organic green apple grated
- Preheat over to 375 degrees.
- Make a parchment sling for a standard loaf pan. Set Aside.
- In a mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat together eggs, oil, starter, vanilla, and orange juice.
- To this, add your flours, flax seeds, wheat germ, shredded carrot and apple. Mix on low till combined.
- Pour into your loaf pan. Bake 45 to 50 minutes, or until it’s pulled away from the sides of the pan, deeply browned, and a toothpick or knife, inserted in the center, comes out clean.
- Cool slightly
What is your favorite muffin and have you tried making it with sourdough starter?
Have you ever ran a virtual race and if so, do you think they are harder? YES!
Do you taper or decrease the amount of strength before a 10K race? Or any race for that matter?
Do you have a Stryd and what are your thoughts about running with Power?
How do you celebrate Earth Day?
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