Creamy Grain Free Mushroom OR Caramelized Onion Penne, Do You Cook Like This Too?

This Creamy Mushroom Penne is my new favorite pasta recipe. It’s quick, delicious, gluten free, dairy free, and definitely lovely!

I used Jovial’s new gluten free penne made with cassava flour which I threw on my Thrive order this past month. I wasn’t sure how it would compare to my other favorite gluten free pastas made with lentils or chickpeas, but I was pleasantly surprised.

If you are not a mushroom fan, sub them out for a sweet onion

Not a mushroom fan ~ No Prob!

I have made this a couple different ways…….mostly becuase my husband doesn’t like mushrooms. I know…..I don’t understand either! So if you’re on team mushroom, yeah…if not replace the mushrooms in the recipe below for a sweet onion. I have to admit, It was just as delicious with caramelized onions, but if I had a choice, the more mushrooms the better.

The more mushrooms the better!

Use simple button ones or your favorite combination of wild mushrooms. Be generous since they cook down a lot! Oh, and you could always use both onions and mushrooms. Whichever combo you decide on, I know you’ll love it!


I am curious. Do you have members of your household that have a strong dislike for certain foods that are actually your favorites? My husband and I actually have very different likes and dislikes. He is the meat eater in the family and I crave veggies and plant based proteins. I love them all but unfortunately my husband dislikes some of my favorites like peas, fresh beans, eggplant, tofu, tempeh, and of course mushrooms. So there are quite a few nights I am eating something totally different than him. Although I am getting quite good at changing up a recipe so we both are eating the same thing, but some nights I just want a big mushroom burger 😃 .


Both my husband and I love a little spice so I added a few sprinkles of red pepper flakes. Don’t forget the fresh herbs! I have a variety of fresh herbs growing in pots on my patio and I love adding them to all my dishes. They not only add great flavor, but also color. Both parsley and basil would be fantastic in this dish.


The original recipe called for heavy cream but I kept it dairy free and used coconut cream. It was lovely. Also do you ever save a little pasta water to add to your pasta dishes towards the end of cooking? I have no idea where I first leaned this trick, but I have been doing it ever since.


I personally found this dish very satisfying paired with just a simple side salad. However, when I made it for my family this past weekend, I roasted a whole chicken. I plated the chicken separately and anyone who wanted to top off their pasta with it could.


  • Healthy
  • Vegan
  • Dairy free
  • Gluten free
  • Delicious
  • Simple to make
  • Plant based

So let me know what you think of this creamy mushroom pasta in the comments and which variation you like best!


(adapted from Joival foods)


  • 3 tablespoons ghee
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • 1 lb mixed mushrooms, sliced (sub out 1 sweet onion if not a mushroom fan)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon cassava flour
  • ½ cup coconut cream
  • 3/4 cup broth & 1/4 cup pasta water
  • 1 tablespoon parsley, minced (or basil)
  • ½ cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano (optional)
  • 8 ounce box jovial Grain Free Cassava Penne


  1. Cook butter, shallot, red pepper flakes, and mushrooms in a large skillet on medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.  Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Sprinkle flour on mushrooms, cook for 1 minute.
  3. Stir in cream, broth, and parsley and cook for 5 minutes until the mushrooms are soft. Turn off heat and stir in cheese.
  4. Cook pasta according to package instructions and stir into mushroom cream sauce. Add a small ladle of pasta water for good measure!

Are you a mushroom fan?

Have you tried cassava pasta?

Do you have a favorite gluten free pasta?

How often do you make more than one thing for dinner based on what everyone likes?

Do you save pasta water to your pasta dishes?

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