Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff Mac & Cheese, Support Crew at a Marathon, Fall Marathon?

Say hello to my new favorite creamy vegan macaroni and cheese that can also pass for the most delicious stroganoff I have ever made. If you love mushrooms, mac and cheese, and stroganoff, make this. It will blow your mind!

The Best Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff Mac & Cheese EVER!

It’s the easiest macaroni dish I have ever made. I often times get intimated about making anything with a white sauce. Not this time friends. All you gotta do is ~

  • Boil pasta ~ easy
  • Sauté mushrooms, onions, garlic ~ easy
  • Whisk together the sauce ingredients ~ also easy
  • Combine everything ~ and you’re done ~ super easy

I have never made a vegan stroganoff before, but I am absolutely so happy with how this turned out. I used some classic ingredients for a vegan mac and cheese but also tried to make it into a veganized stroganoff by using non diary plant cheese in place of the sour cream most often used in a traditional Beef Stroganoff. Personally I have never been a fan of sour cream, not even the non-dairy option. In its place, I used my new favorite plant cheese ~ SriMu. Of course you can use any non dairy cream cheese you have on hand, but this one is to die for!

And if you saw my last pasta recipe, you also know I adore mushrooms and the wild mushroom blend my husband found at Costco is absolutely lovely. They make the most incredible sauce!

Don’t forget the fresh herbs ~ I used the leaves of fresh thyme.

It literally took me less than 30 minutes from start to finish. My kind of weeknight recipe. I have a feeling this will end up on your weekly rotation. The best part, you can use a different combo of mushrooms and non dairy cream cheese and it will taste slightly different, but just as delicious. Personally I love how just changing up just one or two ingredients can make you feel like you’re enjoying another brand new recipe.

This is such a perfect easy weeknight meal, but it’s also lovely enough to serve to guests. The first time I made this was for my mom and I when I my husband was out of town; she said it’s too bad Rob doesn’t like mushrooms, this is sooooo GOOD! ” If you make this again, I’ll come over and help you eat it 😂 .

My mom is the best! She loves my cooking but she also supports me in whatever else I do, even my long distance running. Before I was married, she accompanied me to a few of my marathons and looking back, I can’t believe I put her through that stress. Chasing someone for 26.2 miles in a car to make sure they have what they need is not only difficult, but exhausting, both physically and mentally. Thankfully I came to my senses after ending up in the med tent a couple times because I was so frozen and couldn’t warm up. I vowed I’d never put her through that again. In fact, supporting someone in a marathon just may be more stressful than running one? What do you think?

Believe it or not, my mom still worries about me out there running, but I also know she realizes how much I love to run. It also helps her to know that I have found so many amazing friends and even my husband through running. Since meeting my husband, I have loved traveling to different cities, states, and even countries to run. I am not sure if that will happen yet this fall, but I do know, I have missed being a traveling runner.

In the mean time….I know I will be eating lots more of my Veganized Mushroom Stroganoff Mac & Cheese and I think you should too!



  • 12 ounces macaroni of your choice
  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 20 ounces wild mushroom blend
  • 1 sweet onion diced
  • 2 to 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 1/2 cups vegetable broth
  • 8 ounces vegan plant based cheese
  • 1 tablespoon coconut aminos
  • 2 Tablespoons nutritional yeast
  • 1 Tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1/2 teaspoon fresh thyme
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Cook pasta and drain when done.
  2. While pasta is cooking, heat the olive oil in non-stick skillet on medium high heat.
  3. Then add the chopped onion, mushrooms, & garlic, to the skillet. Sauté and reduce heat to medium low continuing until mushrooms have released their liquid and are brown.
  4. Sprinkle mushrooms mixture with salt and pepper and than place in bowl.
  5. In same skillet, add remaining ingredients with a pinch more sea salt. Heat the mixture, stirring while cheese is melting. Whisk to combine. Reduce heat to low, simmer till thick which should take less than 5 minutes. Taste, add more salt & pepper if needed.
  6. Now add your mushroom mixture back to skillet. Stir.
  7. Add pasta and toss to coat with your sauce.
  8. Serve immediately with cracked pepper and fresh thyme leaves if desired.

Have you ever supported a friend or relative at a marathon?

What is your favorite destination marathon? International or in the states?

Mushroom lover?

Are you running a fall marathon?

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