Cookie Dough Lava Baked Oats, Why Collagen9, Don’t do What I Did ~ Take off Your Socks!

Have you ever tried making baked oats with chickpeas? These oats are healthy, delicious, and easy to make.

Baked Oats with Chickpeas!

It’s a first for me! I had some left over chickpeas from a previous recipe so I through them in my blender with my other usual ingredients for baked oats and magic happened!

Add chickpeas to your blender with other oat ingredients
  • chickpeas
  • protein powder and/or collagen (I used @shakleehq )
  • baking powder
  • pinch of sea salt
  • dark chocolate (I used @hukitchen and @nutiva hazelnut spread)
  • non dairy milk (I used @ripplefoods unsweetened vanilla)

That’s it! Simple. Quick. Healthy. High in protein! Gluten free! And vegan depending on which protein you choose. If you are vegan, I recommend this plant protein. If you are not, try my new favorite collagen. I personally love using collagen, especially Collagen9 whenever possible because the health benefits are incredible::

  • 10g of protein to start off your morning with zero carbs
  • vitamin C and biotin for added benefit and absorption
  • good for healthy hair, skin, nails and joints
  • tasteless and dissolves seamlessly
  • makes your morning coffee more metabolically supportive, especially when coupled with a healthy fat like MCT which I add every morning
  • Grass Fed, Non-GMO, Beyond Organic (highest standards around), Gluten Free, and 100% Carbon Neutral
  • MOST importantly my favorite collagen is the ONLY one the market with ALL 9 essential amino acids required by the body to synthesize proteinHealthy joints
Once oats are assembled, bake or place in fridge and bake when you are ready


  • Preheat the oven to 375 F
  • Place all ingredients into the blender. Except for the chocolate chips and chocolate spread.
  • Blend for one minute until all ingredients are well blended.
  • Pour 3/4 of the batter into greased ramekin. Add chocolate spread and top with remaining batter,
  • Top with chocolate chips.
  • Bake for 25-30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean
  • serve warm


  • Oats: Do not use steel-cut oats, You may use quick oats if you don’t have rolled oats. If you don’t have any oats, use oat flour.
  • Milk: Any milk will work in this recipe.
  • Sweetener: I did not use any sweetener but if you like, you can use your favorite such as maple syrup or raw honey.


  1. Can you eat baked oats the next day? I prefer my baked oats straight out of the oven but you can place in fridge over night if you’d like and bake when you are ready for breakfast. I do this frequently. After I get back from my run, I place my oats in the oven and while they are baking I will either foam roll stretch. Once the timer goes off, I am now ready for my post workout baked oats.
  2. Can you warm up baked oats? Yes, but I prefer not to use a microwave. I place my oats back in the oven for about 10 minutes.
  3. Are oats good for you? Oats are one of the healthiest grains espeically when you use sprouted. They are very nutritious and I also use gluten free. Oats are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. Reducing the risk of heart disease is among many of its health benefits and since it heart month, this recipe is even more timely!
One of my favorites

I love having oats after a longer run or a HIIT workout! If I am working out at home and I have prepped my oats in advance, I stick them in the oven after my run, do my strength, and when I am done working out, I have freshly baked oats.

Some of you have asked about my shins, how they are doing, and what I did. Most everyone just assumed I fell while running since it’s been so icy. Nope. For what ever reason I made a big mistake and decided to do box jumps with socks on.

Not a good idea. I seriously NEVER do strength work in stocking feet. But for whatever reason, I left my socks on and just like that, I slipped and banged up my shins on the edge of my chair. In my defense I was hanging onto the back of my chair which was against my king size bed so it was actually very stable. Trust me, I won’t ever do this again.

Thankfully my husband was working from home because I am not so sure what would have happened if he wasn’t. To make a long story short, I was trying hard to stop the bleeding so I could put bandages on but my husband very matter of a factly said “Sweetie, this will require more than a bandage…we’re going to the urgent care of stitches😭.” He was right this time. 14 stitches to be exact.

Moral of the story…don’t do what I did.

The good news is my legs are feeling better. Now lets bake some oats 🥰.


  • 40 grams oats about 1/2 cup
  • 20 grams French Vanilla Vegan Protein Powder Or Collagen (1 scoop)
  • 60g chickpeas or 1/4 cups, drained
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 160 ml or about 3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 50 grams devilishly dark chocolate hazelnut spread or your favorite chocolate sauce
  • 10 grams or small handful dark chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your oven to 375F.
  2. Blend the oats, protein powder, chickpeas, baking powder and almond milk together.
  3. Pour most of the mixture into an ovenproof ramekin and spoon the chocolate dessert onto the center..
  4. Cover with the remaining mixture and top with dark chocolate chips.
  5. Bake for 20 mins.

How often do you incorporate plyometric into your strength workouts?

Have you ever had chickpea in your oats before……If so I’d love more recipe ideas!

What is your favorite Plyometric move?


Have you ever had stitches in your life?


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