Guest Post ~ How To Succeed in Your Quest for Personal Growth via James Hall



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When my friend James reached out and asked if he could contribute an article on website which was very important to him I was more than happy to hear and read what he had to say on this topic of Personal Growth.

I am all in favor of trying something new, setting new goals, and approaching every day with the attitude of what can I do today to be better than yesterday. I hope you find his advice helpful…I sure did!

How To Succeed in Your Quest for Personal Growth

Never stop growing! That’s easy to say but quite difficult to do. But you can succeed in your quest for personal growth if you adopt the right attitude, maintain a healthy self-care routine, never stop learning, and chase your dreams. Recipe and running blog Avocado Runners invites you to read on to learn more about each of these.

Adopt the Right Attitude

If you’re going to pursue personal growth, then you need to start by adopting the right attitude. First and foremost, you must believe that you can continue to grow as a person. You have to trust in your value and in your ability to improve your life and to reach out to others. In other words, you should embrace a certain self-confidence. You are not stupid. You are not worthless. You are not unlovable. You can be a healthy, well-balanced person who can keep on learning, chasing your dreams, and succeeding in your quest for personal growth. Keep on believing that, and you’re already on your way.

Maintain a Self-Care Routine

Part of growing as a person is becoming a healthier person, and you can do this, in part, by maintaining a self-care routine. This will involve improving your eating habits and settling into an exercise routine, but there’s much more to self-care than that. You must also work on keeping your stress levels under control, perhaps through increased prayer or meditation, guided breathing exercises, or even music therapy. You should also set aside some time for fun as part of your self-care routine. Go out with friends, or curl up with a favorite book or movie. You can and should take time for rest and relaxation.

Keep On Learning

You should also take some time for learning. In fact, you should never stop learning, for this is part of your personal growth. You don’t have to take formal classes. You might learn simply by reading books you’ve always wanted to try — some of the classic novels, perhaps, or volumes of history or poetry. You could take some online classes, too. These are plentiful and varied, and many of them are free or inexpensive. You could even pick up that new hobby you’ve always meant to start, like sewing or painting.

You may, however, decide that you’d like to formally return to school and earn the IT, teaching or accounting degree you’ve always wanted, for example. These days, you can get most if not all of your education online. Whether it’s an accounting degree or IT certifications, choose a program that is accredited and that offers competitive tuition, and then dig in. Just be sure you learn what you love.

Chase Your Dreams

Finally, part of your personal growth might mean chasing your dreams and making a major life change. Maybe that involves starting the business you’ve always wanted to. If that sounds like a dream come true, then do your research, write up a business plan, and plunge in. After your business has gotten off and running, you might become a limited liability company (LLC) to take advantage of greater flexibility, tax benefits, and limited personal liability. Make sure you know the regulations for your state before moving ahead.

Succeed in Your Quest

You can succeed in your quest for personal growth — just make a firm commitment and enjoy the journey. Pursue that degree or certification you’ve always wanted, consider starting your own business, and make plenty of time for self-care. By listening to your mind and your body, you can set the stage for personal growth and satisfaction.

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